I apologize for not taking "during" photos. I wasn't really thinking of posting this, but then I was so proud of the finished product, I decided to go ahead and share. I took bits and pieces from several different people and then added my own touch. I really liked this
board and this
one. I bought a solid wooden cabinet door from Habitat Reuse for $1. From Habitat, I also got 2 old hooks, like locker hooks. I found the velvety black fabric in my stash...why do I have black velvety material in my stash? Who knows! Then it got interesting. I really wanted to use the drawer pulls I had collected, but mine were not nearly as pretty as
Anna's. I finally got all my jewelry out and grouped it, so I would know what I had and needed for storage.
First I covered the board with batting. But, I didn't have any batting, so I cut a piece out of the old mattress pad I had. Then I covered the board with the material and stapled it to the back of the door. I decided to go with the cup hooks. I measured mine 2 inches apart and alternated them down the board. I made extra so I can get some new earrings! A girl can never have too many earrings. Then I drilled the holes at each mark. BUT, when I reversed the drill bit, it brought the mattress pad with it. So, I had to take the staples out of the fabric and remove the pad. Because I am
cheap thrifty, I decided to go without padding. Of course at this point I ran out of staples and I didn't have a car. So this project went back on the to-do list.

Finally I get back to the project and get the board covered, all the holes drilled and begin screwing in the numerous cup holders, at which point I decided maybe a girl doesn't need so many earrings! :-) I used the two old hooks, painted white, to hold my long necklaces and more cup holders for my special necklaces.
My last step was attaching the grease cups. Yep! I got grease cups used with grills to hold my non-hanging jewelry. I opted not to paint them because I was afraid of chipping.
And here it is:
You can't really tell in the pictures, but I hung my earrings by color. I was also able to hang my rings! Now this proudly hangs in my dressing room and I can see all my choices! I am hoping this will help me wear my jewelry more!