Allie has four girlfriends that she has been close to since they were seven years old. In 6th grade, they really started bonding and hanging out together more and more. That year we started a mother/daughter book club...didn't go anywhere. We went on a mother/daughter camping trip that has become an annual event. We had mother/daughter Christmas parties. We went out to eat, celebrated everyone's birthdays, even the mom's, took trips to Asheville, and played lots. Needless to say, these four girls each found a place in my heart and feel like they are my own. Three years later we added two more girls to the group. And we added a mother/daughter beach trip.

Two weeks ago, the twins, part of the original group, graduated. It triggered reflection over the past few years. Memories of carting all of them in my van and them singing at the top of their lungs with the CD from Mama Mia! They even came up with motions that literally made my van rock! Memories of each and every one of them at some point curling up next to me for a hug and a snuggle. Memories of serious discussions about life, school, boys, girls, future, and sex. Memories of seeing their love for each other in how they cared for one another. The love was shown in their creations for our "homemade" Christmas gifts. Memories of them crowding around Allie after her first big surgery and their concern for her everyday that summer until she healed. Memories of laughing until I almost peed my pants. Memories of just sitting back and watching them grow each year and the amazement that I was privileged to be part of their incredible lives.

I am not only setting my own daughter off into the world, but also six other "daughters". One is going to California, two to Tennessee, one to Greensboro, two to Asheville, and my own to Africa. Someone said sending my daughter to Africa was like empty nest on steroids...she was right, but what she didn't realize was that I am sending off seven daughters...now that is empty nest on steroids!!
I will miss them all dearly. Sometimes the thought crushes me, but then I remember that I will get a front row seat to these seven girls' amazing lives. How exciting to see how each of them blossoms in this coming year. I have coerced a promise from each of them that when they are home this coming school year, they MUST come see me! (YOU HEAR THAT GIRLS???) It won't be the same as hugging my girl, but it will be the next best thing! Then next summer they will all be back and I will get to listen as they share together, laugh together and cry together.
I am one lucky Momma!