I think I will begin something I "borrowed" from a blogger called "Love Thursday". On my first blog I did this and it caught on with many of my friends. So on Thursdays, tune in to see what I have loved about my week.
This week I am loving:

1. Getting to watch my boy pitch a whole game, hit a homerun, and win his first game of the season!

2. Getting to watch my boy in another game, hit another homerun! and win their 2nd game of the season!
3. Watching my daughter's excitement....oh to be young again!
4. Working in the yard with my husband....because of his work, we had NEVER done that before.

5. Spending the warm, sunshiney weekend with my husband watching baseball games and eating out!
6. All the beautiful bird returning and feeding on my birdfeeder!
7. Seeing the beautiful flowers emerging in my yard.
8. Getting word that my beautiful cousin, Stephanie delivered a precious baby boy this morning, welcome to our family, Jacob!
What are you loving this week? (leave a comment sharing what you love)
Having a friend like you. That's what I'm loving this Thursday!