Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Non-Partisan Editorial on Politics

When did the word "compromise" become a dirty word?  Webster's Dictionary states the definition as, "settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions".  I see nothing evil in this definition.  Now, as children, sure, compromise was a bad word because it meant "sharing", "not getting MY way all the time", "having to figure out how to get along".  But I thought that was a principle we all taught our children.  In Robert Fulghum's book, All I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, he states that we learned sharing and compromising in the sandbox. So what happened since the sandbox?  Was there a memo that went out when we turned 21 that told us to ignore this principle?

So, back to the question, When did the word "compromise" become a dirty word?  In politics today it seems to be the word that will get you booted out of your position faster than anything.  The Republicans aren't compromising.  The Democrats aren't compromising.  So where does that leave us?   With unemployment rates high, with a budget deficit that is higher than I can count and nothing being accomplished to solve either problem.  Instead everyone is working to get reelected.

I understand that we all have issues that are non-negotiable.  There are times to negotiate and compromise with a teen and then  there are times it just isn't prudent.  These are usually based on safety and with the best interest of our family in mind.  So, I get that we all have these beliefs. 

I just don't get how we are to ever come together as a people if we don't start compromising.  We are never going to  always get our way, but we should try to work for the betterment of our people.  I thought that was why the congress got paid a salary and got great health benefits.  They are supposed to be doing the hard work.  They are supposed to finding middle ground to solve the problems of our nation.  Instead, they are just simply joining a clique and sticking their tongues out at each other.  They are wasting our money.  I heard on the news the other night that the act of repealing Obamacare had cost us in the ballpark of $50 million!  $50 million!!!  That is ludicrous to me.  It is not about it being the Republicans because the Democrats are just as bad.  It is that we are putting the wrong people in office.  We are putting our buddies not the person who has the best negotiating skills.  Not the people who will work for our NATION.  We are voting our friends in and then satisfied when actually nothing gets done.  I don't know where you are from, but where I come from that would get you fired.

I wonder how long this will last?  If a Republican president is voted in this year, then it will be the same.  Only the Democrats will be the ones putting up roadblocks at every inroad.  There seems to be no end in sight.  I am tired of it.  Sick and tired of it.  Let's just grow up, pull on our grownup panties, and do the work this nation needs to do.  
Figure out to take care of our elderly and our sick
                     how to make sure all people have the same rights
                     how to get out of debt
                     how to get more jobs in the USA
                     how to educate our children so they can compete on a global level

We already know some of the things we disagree on, how about finding what we can agree on and start fixing our nation?

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